Change State on a File with the Inventor Vault Add-in

The Change State command in the Inventor Vault add-in allows users to modify a file or group of files to enforce certain behaviors. Examples of states include, Work in Progress, Quick Change, and Obsolete.

Note: You can change the state of files which have been modified in memory as well as files that are checked into the Vault.
  1. In the Vault browser, select the file for which you want to change the state. You can also select multiple files by pressing the Control or Shift keys.
    Note: If selecting more than one file, the files must use the same lifecycle definition and lifecycle state.
  2. Right-click the selection, and then select Change State or click Change State on the Autodesk Vault ribbon. The Change State dialog box is displayed. The current lifecycle of the file and lifecycle definition name are displayed at the top of the dialog.
  3. Select the new lifecycle state from the list of those available for selection.
    Note: States that are not permitted due to transition configurations are not displayed.
  4. Enter any comments regarding the lifecycle state change in the Enter Comments field or select a comment from the drop-down.
  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Change State dialog.