Stiffness Velocity-Dependence Table

Description: Specifies the force versus displacement tables for a nonlinear shock and vibration element (CBUSH1D) which references a PMOUNT property.



Field Definition Type Default
TID Table identification number. Integer > 0 Required
Vi Velocity values. Real Required
TIDi Table identification numbers of TABLED1 entries. Integer > 0 Required


  1. TIDi must be unique with respect to all TABLED1 and TABFV table identification numbers.
  2. Velocity values must be listed in ascending order.
  3. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of ENDT in either of the two fields following the last entry. Any continuations that follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag ENDT will be ignored.
  4. This table is referenced only by PMOUNT entries that define a nonlinear shock and vibration element (CBUSH1D).