Rigid Body Physics

Assigning Rigid Body Behavior

Instances of FBModel can be assigned to a Rigid Body Physical Property, allowing them to react to forces such as gravity. Models connected to a Rigid Body Physical Property can also collide among each other, as well as with the scene's ground plane.

A Rigid Body Physical Property object is instantiated via FBCreateObject(), using the 'Browsing/Templates/Physical Properties' Asset Browser path, and the 'Rigid Body' entry name. Models are connected to a Rigid Body Physical Property using FBConnect().

# Apply a Rigid Body physical property to the models.
# The pActivation parameter defines the Activation value.
# 0: Active | 1: Active at Collision | 2: Passive
def applyRigidBody(pModelList, pActivation):
    # Create the rigid body object from the Asset Browser.
    rigidBody = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Physical Properties', 'Rigid Body', 'Rigid Body' )

    # Set the Activation property.
    activationProp = rigidBody.PropertyList.Find('Activation')
    activationProp.Data = pActivation

    # If we are using Active activation, set the Correct Mass Center to false.
    if(pActivation == 0) :    
        correctMassCenter = rigidBody.PropertyList.Find('Correct Mass Center')
        correctMassCenter.Data = False

    # Connect the rigid body to the models.
    for model in pModelList:
        FBConnect(rigidBody, model)

The 'Activation' property of a Rigid Body Physical Property denotes when the rigid body behavior of the connected models activates. The accepted values for the 'Activation' property are described below.

Activation ValueDescription
0Active. The connected models react to physical forces when the session is set to Live or when recording begins.
1Active at Collision. A connected model only begins to react to physical forces when another model collides with it or if it is manipulated.
2Passive. The connected models are not affected by physical forces (ex: gravity), but can collide with other objects.

Creating a Physics Solver

The rigid body calculations are solved by a Physics Solver, which must be added to the scene via FBCreateObject() using the Asset Browser path 'Browsing/Templates/Solvers' and the 'Physics Solver' entry name. The 'Gravity' property of the Physics Solver object defines the direction of gravity. The default value for the 'Gravity' property is (0, -9.81, 0).

# Create a physics solver.
def createPhysicsSolver():
    solver = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Solvers', 'Physics Solver', 'Physics Solver' )

    # Set the gravity to accelerate upwards.
    solver.PropertyList.Find('Gravity').Data = FBVector3d(0, 9.81, 0)

    # Activate the Physics solver.
    solver.Active = True
    solver.Live = True

Example: Grid Collision

Sample Viewport Output:

Program Summary: In the following program, a large cube collides with a grid of smaller cubes below it. The large cube's Rigid Body Physical Property has its Activation set to 0 (active), allowing it to fall when the program is run. The Rigid Body Physical Property bound to the smaller cubes has its Activation set to 1 (active on collision), making the smaller cubes fall to the ground plane if they experience a collision.

from pyfbsdk import *

# Helper Function(s).                                         #

# Create a primitive from the asset browser.
def createModel(pTranslation, pScalingCoefficient):    
    #model = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Elements/Primitives', 'polySphere', 'polySphere' )
    model = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Elements/Primitives', 'Cube', 'Cube' )
    model.Name = 'myModel'
    model.Translation = pTranslation
    model.Scaling = FBVector3d(pScalingCoefficient, pScalingCoefficient, pScalingCoefficient)
    model.Show = True

    return model

# Create a planar grid of models.
def createGrid(pCenter, pModelsPerSide):
    gridModels = []
    spacing = 20
    for i in range(-int(pModelsPerSide/2), int(pModelsPerSide/2) + 1):
        for j in range(-int(pModelsPerSide/2), int(pModelsPerSide/2) + 1):
            xOffset = pCenter[0] + i * spacing
            yOffset = pCenter[1]
            zOffset = pCenter[2] + j * spacing
            # Create the model at the specific offset.
            model = createModel(FBVector3d(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset), 0.65)

    return gridModels

# Apply a Rigid Body physical property to the models.
# The pActivation parameter defines the Activation value.
# 0: Active | 1: Active at Collision | 2: Passive
def applyRigidBody(pModelList, pActivation):
    # Create the rigid body object from the Asset Browser.
    rigidBody = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Physical Properties', 'Rigid Body', 'Rigid Body' )

    # Set the Activation property.
    activationProp = rigidBody.PropertyList.Find('Activation')
    activationProp.Data = pActivation

    # If we are using Active activation, set the Correct Mass Center to false.
    if(pActivation == 0) :    
        correctMassCenter = rigidBody.PropertyList.Find('Correct Mass Center')
        correctMassCenter.Data = False

    # Connect the rigid body to the models.
    for model in pModelList:
        FBConnect(rigidBody, model)

# Create a physics solver.
def createPhysicsSolver():
    solver = FBCreateObject( 'Browsing/Templates/Solvers', 'Physics Solver', 'Physics Solver' )

    # Set the gravity to accelerate slowly downwards.
    solver.PropertyList.Find('Gravity').Data = FBVector3d(0, -2, 0)

    # Activate the Physics solver.
    solver.Active = True
    solver.Live = True

# Main.                                                       #


model = createModel(FBVector3d(0, 200, 20), 1.5)
applyRigidBody([model], 0) # Active

gridModels = createGrid(FBVector3d(0, 75, 0), 7)
applyRigidBody(gridModels, 1) # Active at Collision
