Isometric Configuration (Advanced)

Configure Isometric settings (Advanced).

Important: This section is for advanced users and administrators.

In most situations you configure settings in:

Isometric Style Files

You can share your Iso settings by copying the IsoConfig.xml, iso.dwt, and ATR file to another Iso style folder that has matching project units and Iso style name. For example, you can copy the Check style from one metric project to the Check folder in another metric project.

Isometric Style Files

The following files are shared by all styles in the project:

Isometric Project Files

  • IsoSkeyAcadBlockMap.xml maps SKEY to block name.
  • IsoSymbolStyles.dwg contains Iso symbol block definitions.
  • Plant3dIsoSymbols.dwg contains Iso messages and break point markers. Used by both the 3D model and Iso drawing.
  • PropertyTranslationMapping.xml maps property values to display values. For example, Weldolet can be replaced by WOL.
  • BoltSizeMappings.xml maps imperial to metric bolt sizes.

The program folder contains the default configuration file that is used when the project is created.

Configuration: De-mystifying AutoCAD Plant 3D Isometrics.pdf (pdf).