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Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.
ambientLight([ambientShade=float], [discRadius=linear], [exclusive=boolean], [intensity=float], [name=string], [position=[linear, linear, linear]], [rgb=[float, float, float]], [rotation=[angle, angle, angle]], [shadowColor=[float, float, float]], [shadowDither=float], [shadowSamples=int], [softShadow=boolean], [useRayTraceShadows=boolean])
Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.
ambientLight is undoable, queryable, and editable.
TlightCmd is the base class for other light commands.
The ambientLight command is used to edit the parameters of
existing ambientLights, or to create new ones. The default
behaviour is to create a new ambientlight.
This is the commmand that instantiates an ambientLight
or edits the parameters of an existing one.
TambientLightCmd inherits from TlightCmd which defines
common flags like intensity, colour etc.
See TlightCmd for a global picture of the light commands.
Note that the flag fAmbientLightUsed indicates whether
the command uses any ambient specific flags.
That is, if a command doesn't use flags
defined here, the boolean fAmbientLightUsed is set to
false and thus the undo/redo information is not saved
at this level.
TambientLightCmd behaves like any other command, it
has flags, saves undo information etc. the only slightly
different behaviour is that it calls up to TlightCmd to
complete the functionality of the command.
Example parseArgs: TambientLightCmd defines
ambientLight specific parameters like -ambientShade
however, several other parameters are available in
TlightCmd such as -intensity etc. So when parsing
the arguments, a call is made to TlightCmd::parseArgs
to parse common parameters (like Intensity).
double[] | when querying the rgb or shadowColor flags
double when querying the intensity flag
boolean when querying the useRayTraceShadows or exclusive flags
linear[] when querying the position flag
angle[] when querying the rotation flag
string when querying the name flag |
string | Light shape name |
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
directionalLight, exclusiveLightCheckBox, lightList, lightlink, pointLight, spotLight, spotLightPreviewPort
ambientShade, discRadius, exclusive, intensity, name, position, rgb, rotation, shadowColor, shadowDither, shadowSamples, softShadow, useRayTraceShadows
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Create an ambientLight light
light = cmds.ambientLight(intensity=0.8)
# Change the light intensity
cmds.ambientLight( light, e=True, intensity=0.5 )
# Query it
cmds.ambientLight( light, q=True, intensity=True )
# Result:0.5 #