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Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


runTimeCommand( name , [addKeyword=string], [addTag=string], [annotation=string], [category=string], [categoryArray=boolean], [command=script], [commandArray=boolean], [commandLanguage=string], [default=boolean], [defaultCommandArray=boolean], [delete=boolean], [exists=boolean], [helpUrl=string], [hotkeyCtx=string], [image=string], [keywords=string], [label=string], [longAnnotation=string], [numberOfCommands=boolean], [numberOfDefaultCommands=boolean], [numberOfUserCommands=boolean], [plugin=string], [save=boolean], [showInHotkeyEditor=boolean], [tags=string], [userCommandArray=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

runTimeCommand is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Create a MEL command given the specified name. Once the command is created you can invoke it like any other MEL command. When the command is invoked it will execute the string attached to the command flag.

Note that the resulting command takes no arguments, has no flags and may not be queried or edited.

The command name you provide must be unique. The name itself must begin with an alphabetic character or underscore followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores.

If you create your run time commands in a script which is automatically sourced at startup then set the default flag to true. This will prevent the application from attempting to save these commands.

Return value

stringThe name of the command on.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


addKeyword, addTag, annotation, category, categoryArray, command, commandArray, commandLanguage, default, defaultCommandArray, delete, exists, helpUrl, hotkeyCtx, image, keywords, label, longAnnotation, numberOfCommands, numberOfDefaultCommands, numberOfUserCommands, plugin, save, showInHotkeyEditor, tags, userCommandArray
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
string createeditmultiuse
Append one keyword to the keyboard list, which is used by the Search user interface
string createeditmultiuse
Append one keyword to the tag list, which is used by the Search user interface
annotation(ann) string createqueryedit
Description of the command.
category(cat) string createqueryedit
Category for the command.
categoryArray(caa) boolean query
Return all the run time command categories.
command(c) script createqueryedit
Command to be executed when runTimeCommand is invoked.
commandArray(ca) boolean query
Returns an string array containing the names of all the run time commands.
commandLanguage(cl) string createqueryedit
In edit or create mode, this flag allows the caller to choose a scripting language for a command passed to the "-command" flag. If this flag is not specified, then the callback will be assumed to be in the language from which the runTimeCommand command was called. In query mode, the language for this runTimeCommand is returned. The possible values are "mel" or "python".
default(d) boolean createquery
Indicate that this run time command is a default command. Default run time commands will not be saved to preferences.
defaultCommandArray(dca) boolean query
Returns an string array containing the names of all the default run time commands.
delete(delete) boolean edit
Delete the specified user run time command.
exists(ex) boolean create
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
string createqueryedit
Custom URL for the online documentation of this command. Used in the Search user interface.
hotkeyCtx(hc) string createqueryedit
hotkey Context for the command.
image(i) string createqueryedit
Image filename for the command.
keywords(k) string createqueryedit
Keywords for the command. Used for searching for commands in the Search user interface. When multiple keywords, use ; as a separator. (Example: "keyword1;keyword2")
label(l) string createqueryedit
Label for the command.
longAnnotation(la) string createqueryedit
Extensive, multi-line description of the command. This will show up in the Search user interface's 'more info' page in addition to the annotation.
numberOfCommands(nc) boolean query
Return the number of run time commands.
numberOfDefaultCommands(ndc) boolean query
Return the number of default run time commands.
numberOfUserCommands(nuc) boolean query
Return the number of user run time commands.
plugin(p) string createqueryedit
Name of the plugin this command requires to be loaded. This flag wraps the script provided into a safety check and automatically loads the plugin referenced on execution if it hasn't been loaded. If the plugin fails to load, the command won't be executed.
save(s) boolean edit
Save all the user run time commands.
showInHotkeyEditor(she) boolean createqueryedit
Indicate that this run time command should be shown in the Hotkey Editor. Default value is true.
tags(t) string createqueryedit
Tags for the command. Used for grouping commands in the Search user interface. When more than one tag, use ; as a separator. (Example: "tag1;tag2")
userCommandArray(uca) boolean query
Returns an string array containing the names of all the user run time commands.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

#    Create a command that simply prints a message.  After executing
#    the following lines enter the command name <i>MyHelloCommand</i>
#    in the Command Line.
if maya.cmds.runTimeCommand( 'MyHelloCommand', exists=True ):
    cmds.runTimeCommand( annotation='Print the word "Hello"', command='print "Hello\\n"', MyHelloCommand )

#    Create a window with a button that invokes the <i>MyHelloCommand</i>
#    command.
# Some commands support different language source types. Since the button command does not, it
# assumes Python and the command has to be explicitly forwarded to MEL, which is what the runTimeCommand creates.
cmds.button( command='import maya.mel; mel.eval("MyHelloCommand")' )