有关如何从给定文件夹加载光贴图或将光贴图路径重新指定到其他位置的示例 Toy_Expulator.vpb 位于示例目录的 lightmaps 文件夹中。
此代码段提取自 Toy_Expulator.vpb 示例,它显示了如何查找具有光贴图的节点,以及如何使用 vrBakeService 重新指定节点路径。
1 # Collect all nodes with a valid base or separate lightmap in subtree
2 def findNodesWithLightmapsRecursive(node, nodesWithLightmaps):
3 if type(node) is vrdGeometryNode:
4 textureBake = node.getTextureBake()
5 if textureBake.isValid():
6 lightmap = textureBake.getLightmap()
7 if lightmap.isValid():
8 nodesWithLightmaps.append(node)
9 for child in node.getChildren():
10 findNodesWithLightmapsRecursive(child, nodesWithLightmaps)
12 # These example lines are based on the Toy_Excavator.vpb scene, you will need to adapt the
13 # node names and the folder to your scene.
14 nodesWithLightmaps = []
15 findNodesWithLightmapsRecursive(vrNodeService.findNode("Toy_Excavator"), nodesWithLightmaps)
17 # Repathing to a folder with lightmaps for day scenario
18 vrBakeService.repathLightmaps(nodesWithLightmaps, getFileIOBaseDir() + "/BakingTextures_Day/")
20 # Repathing to a folder with lightmaps for night scenario
21 vrBakeService.repathLightmaps(nodesWithLightmaps, getFileIOBaseDir() + "/BakingTextures_Night/")
此代码段提取自 Toy_Expulator.vpb 示例,它显示了如何使用 vrBakeService 加载光贴图。
1 import re
2 import os
4 # Loading lightmaps from given path using the name of the specific node
5 def loadLightmapsByNodeName(nodesWithLightmaps, path):
6 for node in nodesWithLightmaps:
7 lightmapPaths = []
8 # Create path to lightmap image
9 baseLightmapPath = path + node.getName() + "_Lightmap" + ".exr"
10 if os.path.isfile(baseLightmapPath):
11 lightmapPaths.append(baseLightmapPath)
12 # Check if there is a corresponding separate lightmap, e.g.
13 separateLightmapPath = path + node.getName() + "_SeparateLightmap" + ".exr"
14 # The separate lightmap is optional. Only add the path if the file exists
15 if os.path.isfile(separateLightmapPath):
16 lightmapPaths.append(separateLightmapPath)
17 # For this node load the given files
18 vrBakeService.loadLightmaps([node], lightmapPaths)
19 else:
20 print("Could not find base lightmap file:" + baseLightmapPath)
22 # Loading lightmaps from given path using the name of the specific lightmap.
23 # This can also be used if multiple nodes share the same name
24 def loadLightmapsByLightmapName(nodesWithLightmaps, path):
25 for node in nodesWithLightmaps:
26 lightmapPaths = []
27 baseLightmap = node.getTextureBake().getBaseLightmap()
28 # We can only use the lightmap name if we have a valid lightmap
29 if baseLightmap.isValid():
30 # Create path to lightmap image
31 baseLightmapPath = path + baseLightmap.getName() + ".exr"
32 if os.path.isfile(baseLightmapPath):
33 lightmapPaths.append(baseLightmapPath)
34 # Check if there is a corresponding separate lightmap, same filename but with "_SeparateLightmap"
35 separateLightmapPath = re.sub(r"_Lightmap([0-9]*)\.exr",r"_SeparateLightmap\1.exr",baseLightmapPath)
36 # The separate lightmap is optional. Only add the path if the file exists
37 if os.path.isfile(separateLightmapPath):
38 lightmapPaths.append(separateLightmapPath)
39 # For this node load the given files
40 vrBakeService.loadLightmaps([node], lightmapPaths)
41 else:
42 print("Could not find base lightmap file:" + baseLightmapPath)
45 # These example lines are based on the Toy_Excavator.vpb scene, you will need to adapt the
46 # node names and the folder to your scene.
48 # Load by node name. Node names have to be unique.
49 loadLightmapsByLightmapName(vrNodeService.findNodes("Exhaust_Inner"), getFileIOBaseDir() + "/BakingTextures_Night/")
51 # Load by lightmap name Node names do not have to be unique, but lightmaps must be present
52 loadLightmapsByLightmapName(vrNodeService.findNodes("Exhaust_Inner"), getFileIOBaseDir() + "/BakingTextures_Day/")