Edit menu


Selecting this command allows undoing the last operation. Shortcut: <CTRL> + Z.

Menu: Edit > Undo command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


Selecting this command allows repeating the last operation. Shortcut: <CTRL> + Y.

Menu: Edit > Redo command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


Activating this command results in deleting a selected part of a structure and putting it in the clipboard. Shortcut: <CTRL> + X.

Menu: Edit > Cut command

This option is also available in the toolbar:


Activating this command results in copying a selected part of the structure to the clipboard. Shortcut: <CTRL> + C.

Menu: Edit > Copy command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


Activating this command results in pasting the copied part of the structure in a selected place. Shortcut: <CTRL> + V.

Menu: Edit > Paste command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


Activating this command results in deleting a selected part of the structure. Shortcut: <Delete> or DE.

Menu: Edit > Delete command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


Activating this command allows you to select some parts of the structure. Shortcut: FR.

Menu: Edit > Select... command

Select All

Activating this command allows you to select all parts of the structure. Shortcut: <CTRL> + A.

Menu: Edit > Select All command

Previous Selection

Activating this command results in returning to the previous selection of the structure elements.

Menu: Edit > Previous Selection command

Select Special:


Activating this command allows you to select some parts of the structure with parallelogram.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Parallelogram command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selections):


Activating this command allows you to select some parts of the structure with circle.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Circle command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):


Activating this command allows you to select some parts of the structure with polygon.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Polygon command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):


Activating this command allows you to select some parts of the structure with colors.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Color... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):

Structure Axes...

This option is used to select the structure elements using a defined structure grid line.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Structure Axes... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):


This option is used to select the structure elements using defined stories.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Stories... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):

Nodes Only...

Activating this command allows you to select the structure nodes. The Selection dialog is opened where the nodes may be selected.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Nodes Only... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Bars Only...

Activating this command allows you to select the structure member elements. The Selection dialog is opened where the bars may be selected.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Bars Only... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Graphical Selection Filter...

Selecting this command opens the dialog where the structure elements, which will be subject to graphic selection on the graphic screen of the program, may be selected.

Menu: Edit > Select Special > Graphic Selection Filter... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Special selection):

See also: Graphical Selection Filter


Move / Copy...

Activating this command results in translation of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure. Shortcut: MV, CC, and CO.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Move / Copy... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Translation


Activating this command results in rotation of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure. Shortcut: RO.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Rotate... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Rotation

Vertical Mirror...

Activating this command results in performing a mirror reflection against the vertical axis of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Vertical Mirror... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Vertical mirror

Horizontal Mirror...

Activating this command results in performing a mirror reflection against the horizontal axis of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Horizontal Mirror... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Horizontal mirror

Planar Symmetry...

Activating this command results in performing a mirror reflection against the defined plane of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Planar Symmetry... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Planar symmetry

Axial Symmetry...

Activating this command results in performing axial symmetry of the pre - selected nodes/elements of the created structure. Shortcut: DM.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Axial Symmetry... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Axial symmetry


Activating this command results in performing scaling of the pre-selected nodes/elements of the created structure. Shortcut: RE.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Scale... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

See also: Scale

Transformation of Coordinate System...

This option is used to transform coordinate systems (combination of translation, rotation and scaling if need be). Transformation of the coordinate system is useful when a part of the defined structure is to be moved (copied) to another place (it is usually rotated in the place and the location of characteristic structure points is not easy to define) and it is convenient for the user to define a selected part of the structure in a known, simple coordinate system.

Menu: Edit > Edit > Transformation of Coordinate System... command

Edit Solids and Faces:

Fillet 3D...

This option is used to create arches (roundings) between the edges of the walls comprising a 3D object.

Menu: Edit > Edit Solids and Faces > Fillet 3D... command

The option is also available from the tool bar (Edit objects) by clicking the icon.

See also: Fillet 3D


This option is used to create chamfers between two edges of the walls comprising a 3D object.

Menu: Edit > Edit Solids and Faces > Chamfer... command

The option is also available from the tool bar (Edit objects) by clicking icon.

See also: Chamfer

Face Offsetting...

The option is used to change location of the objects' sides (offsetting); using this option results in moving the entire surface of a side by given offset value from the initial side position.

Menu: Edit > Edit Solids and Faces > Face Offsetting... command

The option is also available from the tool bar (Edit objects) by clicking icon.

Object Combinations...

This option is used to create object combinations on the base of earlier defined two-dimensional objects.

Menu: Edit > Edit soilds and faces > Object Combinations... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit objects):

See also: Object combinations

Update Object Combination

When this option is selected, a change of any given object which is part of a complex object results in automatic update of the complex object, assuming the current parameters of the component objects; if this option is switched off, the update is not performed after a given component object is changed (it can be performed by appropriate menu options).

Menu: Edit > Edit Solids and Faces > Update Object Combinations command

Re-generate Object Combination

Selecting this option results in performing all the object combination operations again.

Menu: Edit > Edit Solids and Faces > Re-generate Object Combinations command

Complex Edit...

This option allows for a complex edition of a structure (translation + rotation + symmetry).

Menu: Edit > Complex Edit... command

See also: Complex edit

Copy Properties

The Copy properties option makes definition of parameters of objects, bars and panels, easier. The option is used to quickly assign attributes based on parameters copied from the previously created objects. It is possible to copy all attributes of an object (e.g. for a bar: sections, releases, hinges, etc.) to other objects. Shortcut: MA.

Menu: Edit > Copy Properties command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

Substructure Modification:

Group Object

This option allows for creating an object from a group of structure components. Shortcut: GP.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Group Object command

Explode Object

This option allows for dividing the object into smaller pieces. Shortcut: UG.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Explode Object command

Object Properties...

This option allows you to determine the properties of a selected object.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Object Properties... command

Object Modification...

Selecting this command results in opening the dialog where you can determine the parameters of a 2D-object modification (extrude/ revolve) as well as the operations on these modifications.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Object Modification... command

Object Description Modification

Selecting this command results in opening the dialog allowing you to modify sequentially the position of the object descriptions.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Object Description Modification command

Substructure Edit

This option allows for editing the substructure.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Substructure Edit command

Edit in a New Window

This option allows opening a viewer presenting a structure part (or the entire structure) and editing the substructure in this viewer.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > Edit in New Window command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

End of Editing

Once this option is selected, the substructure edit will end.

Menu: Edit > Substructure Modification > End of Editing command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


This option allows for the division of selected elements. Shortcut: SL.

Menu: Edit > Divide... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):


This option allows for the definition of new bars by intersecting the already existing ones.

Menu: Edit > Intersect command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):


Selecting this command results in trimming bars/objects on cutting edge determined by another bars or objects.

Menu: Edit > Trim... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):


Selecting this command results in extending bars/objects to another met bar or object. Shortcut: TR.

Menu: Edit > Extend... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

Cut by plane

The Cut by Plane tool is available for 3D structure types only, including buildings, shells, and 3D-frames.

Menu: Edit Cut by PlaneCut by plane


This option allows correcting geometry of a defined structure.

Menu: Edit > Correct... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Edit):

Detailed Correct...

Selecting the command allows you to move structure nodes to a selected place (correction of structure model geometry).

Menu: Edit > Detailed correction command

Correct Drawing Model...

This option allows to correct geometry of the structure model imported from drawing programs in such a way that a correct structure calculation model could be created (correction means extending/shortening of the bars so that the structure bars crossed in order to create a correct structure calculation model).

Menu: Edit > Correct Drawing Model... command