Detailed analysis

The option is used to present detailed results (diagrams, tables) for the selected bars of a structure.

It is accessed by the following means.

Note: Select a bar or bars in the structure for which detailed analysis is to be presented before using this option.

Detailed analysis presents diagrams and numerical results in table form for particular bars of a structure.

The screen is divided into three main parts.

The table displays global displacements, values of internal forces and stresses at the beginning and end of a selected element, as well at user defined intermediate points.

The table consists of three tabs.

The position of intermediate points for which the values of selected quantities are user defined. This is achieved with the Division points tab in the Detailed analysis dialog.

The graphical viewer presents detailed user defined diagrams of displacements, internal forces and stresses obtained for the active load case. The diagrams are presented along the length of relevant elements. The values of forces are presented in the sign convention. If the diagram labels are not activated, the diagrams display the points of maximum and minimum values of the quantity.