Phase structures

Select either Geometry > Phases > Phase selection or Geometry > Phases > Collecting phases to activate Phase structures.

Note: Phase structures are not compatible with a DAM analysis.

Structure calculations are performed separately for each phase. Results are obtained for each structure design phase, for each one is treated as a separate structure. Phase structure analysis is made phase by phase and their calculation results presentation is user defined.

Note: The title bar shows which phase is currently active.

The results of phase structure calculations may be viewed for each phase separately or collectively (combined into one phase) to compare results and create an envelope of the results for the entire structure.

The following options are available in the Phase structure dialog.

There are two possibilities of defining a phase structure.

Method 1

To define the successive phases of structure design process, do the following:

  1. Define a structure phase in the dialog. The phase is moved into the Activation/Edition range field.
  2. Select the phase in the list and click Activate. The phase becomes active.
  3. Decide whether transfer the structure elements should be on or off.
  4. Define structure elements (bars, panels, and so on).
  5. Define load cases for this phase.

These operations should be carried out for each defined phase. You can define all the phases first, and then define structure elements and load cases for particular phases.

Example of successive phases of structure design:

Method 2

To define the successive phases of structure design process, do the following:

  1. Define an entire structure.
  2. Open the Phases dialog box.
  3. Select the structure elements (bars, panels, and so on) that are included in the phase.
  4. Define a phase of the structure. The phase will be moved into the Activation/Edition range field and the selected bars/elements will form a phase of the structure.
  5. Define load cases for this phase.

Operations 3-5 should be carried out for each phase under definition.

Note: During definitions of successive phases of a structure, pay attention to the numbering of structure bars. Bars should have the same numbers in the successive phases for the operation of phase collecting to be sensical, in order to combine the results obtained for particular phases for the same bars/elements.