Slab and Shell Reinforcement - Results

This option is used for planar finite elements. The Reinforcement tab presents maps or isolines of theoretical (required) reinforcement of slabs/shells obtained during calculations.

Note: If you load a project created in an earlier version that contains the results of required (theoretical) reinforcement calculations for a slab/shell, two tabs will be enabled: Reinforcement and SLS.

The following values can be chosen for presentation.

Individual columns denote:

The location of bottom and top reinforcements in a panel is adopted according to the sense of the z axis of the panel local system. This convention also holds for RC walls.

So, if the sense of the z axis vector of the panel local coordinate system is , then:

Theoretical (required) reinforcement areas and spacings obtained during the design of a slab/shell structure can be presented in the form of reinforcement crosses. Drawing crosses for top and bottom reinforcement has been split. Cross segments denoting values of top reinforcement are drawn on the positive axis (↑→). Those denoting values of bottom reinforcement are drawn on the negative axis (←↓). It is possible to select drawing the crosses for top and bottom reinforcement simultaneously.

See also:

Method of calculating slab and shell reinforcement area

Selecting RC code that allows calculations according to SLS, presents an additional SLS tab in the Reinforcement dialog.

The tab allows selection for presentation (parameters depend on the selected code).

Note: The listed quantities are calculated if the calculation of cracking and deflection for the slab and shell reinforcement type used in the structure is selected. This is found on the SLS parameters tab in the Slab and shell reinforcement type (New type) dialog.