File menu

New Project...

If you select this command, a new project structure starts to be created. Shortcut: <CTRL> + N.

Menu: File > New Project... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Open Project...

If you select this command, it allows you to upload the file with the existing structure project. Shortcut: <CTRL> + O.

Menu: File > Open Project... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


If you select this command, the file with data is saved on the disc. Shortcut: <CTRL> + S.

Menu: File > Save command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Save As...

If you select this command, it allows you to save the project with another name or in a different format.

Menu: File > Saves As… command


DXF and DWG Backgrounds…

This option lets you use a model saved previously in a DXF / DWG file as a drawing background. Thus you can define a 3D structure model based on a set of 2D projections from an architect.

Option available in the graphic view menu (structure definition).

Menu: File > Import > DXF and DWG Backgrounds… command

Screen Capture...

If you select this option, the structure view, the table or its part will be prepared to be used is composing the summary print out. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <Alt> + Q.

Menu: File > Screen Capture... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Printout Composition...

If you select this command, it allows the user to compose the printout he creates.

Menu: File > Printout Composition... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

See also: Printout composition

Page Setup...

Selecting this command allows setting the basic parameters of the page.

Menu: File > Page Setup... command

Print Preview...

If you select this command, it allows you to preview the composed printout.

Menu: File > Printout Preview... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):


If you select this command, it allows you to print the active document. Shortcut: <CTRL> + P.

Menu: File > Print command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Printer Settings...

Selecting this command allows setting the printer parameters.

Menu: File > Printer Settings… command

Project Properties...

If you select this command, it allows you to define information about the designers, the contractor, the investor and to obtain the statistic information about the project structure.

Menu: File > Project Properties… command

Close Project

If you select this command, the project is closed and the program home page appears.

Menu: File > Close Project command


Selecting this command finishes work in this program.

Menu: File > Exit command

This option is also available in the toolbar: