
Select the Parameters tab in the Columns dialog to select the following presentation parameters.

The Layer option selects the layer parallel to the middle surface of the surface structure for which calculation results will be presented. The layer selection has no effect on shear forces or displacements which are defined for the middle surface and are constant along the entire height of the FE cross-section. This selection is important during the presentation of stresses.

Note: Stress values depend on a panel layer, while values of displacements and internal forces do not depend on a selected layer.

The placement of result presentation obtained for planar FE are defined in this dialog.

In the Results field: in Nodes, in Element Centers or in nodes/elements.

In the Layer for stresses field: Upper, Middle, Lower, Maximum, Minimum, Maximum or Arbitrary (coordinates are given in the edit field).

At the bottom of the dialog, the Reduction of forces above columns and walls option is available.

See also:

Node numbering for 6- and 8-node finite element.