Autodesk Revit Interoperability lets you use your Autodesk Revit files with 3ds Max. This lets you include metadata as well as geometry, material, and lighting information.
Importing your Revit files in 3ds Max lets you get the best of both worlds. You can model in Revit, and then use 3ds Max to tweak the models, add interactivity, or create a photorealistic rendering.
If the Revit file you are importing is from an version of Revit prior to the current version of 3ds Max you are using, 3ds Max can automatically upgrade the file to the appropriate version. However, this is often quite a lengthy process.
If your RVT file is from one of the three previous versions of Revit to this version of 3ds Max, you can import the file without upgrading it. For example, if you have 3ds Max 2020, you can import files from Revit 2017, 2018, or 2019 without upgrading the file. To do so, you must have the corresponding version of 3ds Max and all versions of the Revit Interoperability component installed. For example, you would like to import a Revit 2018 file into 3ds Max 2019. As long as you have 3ds Max 2018 and the Revit Interoperability components for 2018 and 2019 installed, the file will import. If you do not have 3ds Max 2018 and all Revit Interoperability components installed, a message will appear asking if you want to upgrade the file or cancel the importation.