The Wall Repel behavior uses one or more grid objects to repel delegates. When influenced by the Wall Repel force, delegates turn until they're heading away from the grid. It's useful for keeping objects inside a straight-sided enclosure, such as a room in a building.
You can set the grids to repel from either side or both sides, and optionally specify a maximum distance for repelling. You can also set the behavior to act as though each grid extends infinitely along its plane.
Set a repelling grid ("source") by clicking this button and then selecting the grid. Thereafter, the grid's name appears on the button. Before you select a grid, the button label reads "None."
If you select multiple source grids (see the next entry), the label Multiple" appears on this button.
Determines whether delegate direction as influenced by the behavior is calculated by an angular method or a force method.
The magnitude of the force is greatest when the delegate is moving directly towards the source, and needs to turn around. It can be as little as 0 when the delegate is moving directly away from the source.
Determines whether the grid repels from its positive-axis side, its negative-axis side, or both.
To determine which is the positive-axis side, select the grid, and then set the reference coordinate system to Local (the default system is View). Look at the grid in a viewport in which it appears edge-on. The side with the axis sticking out is the positive-axis side, and the opposite side is the negative-axis side.
Use the distance settings to activate the Wall Repel behavior only when the delegates are within a specific distance from the target. The relative strength of the behavior increases from 0 percent at the outer radius to 100 percent at the inner radius.
Inner Distance The distance from the target at which the force is applied at full strength. Default=0.0.
Outer Distance The distance from the target at which the force begins to be applied. Default=10.0.
Falloff The rate at which the repelling force diminishes between the Inner Distance and the Outer Distance. Default=2.0.
A value of 1.0 indicates a linear falloff. Higher values cause the strength to fall off to zero more rapidly with distance, thus focusing its effect closer to the Inner Distance. Lower values reduce the rate of diminishment, with a Falloff setting of 0.0 indicating that the strength is the same at the Outer Distance as it is at the Inner Distance.
Shows the inner and outer distance settings as grids offset from the target grid in the viewports. The Inner Distance grid is light blue, while the Outer Distance grid is blue-white. Default=on.
Grid Spacing Alters the spacing of grid lines used to draw the Inner/Outer Distance grids. The lower the value, the closer the spacing. Default=500.
Shows the color used to draw the Wall Repel force during the solution. Click the box to choose a different color. Default=violet.
Display Force The force, when activated, is drawn in the viewports as a wireframe rectangle during the simulation solution. Default=on.