3ds Max System Log

The system log contains important information about the status of 3ds Max, and can help users and system administrators monitor the application's status. By default, the system log is written to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\<Max version>\<Max language>\Network\Max.log. The system log location can be queried with the MAXScript command logsystem.getNetLogFileName() (see "Log System" in the MAXScript Help).

The amount of data kept in the system log is specified on the File Preferences dialog.

A separate custom log can also be created per 3ds Max session, with content identical to that written to the system log, but at a user-specified location. This file is created when:

The system log message format is space delimited and contains the following information:

3ds Max saves many different events to the log, including licensing system status, driver and plug-in loading, and script events.

The following script-related events are recorded in the system log:

Event Notes Example
MAXScript loading
  • All MAXScript scripts that are loaded are logged
  • Script types logged are: .ms (including startup.ms), .mse, .mcr, .mxs, and .mzp
  • If multiple scripts are loaded from a .mzp file (including nested .mzp files), they are all logged

2021/07/05 11:39:28 INF: [14004] [19512] Loaded macroscript: C:\Program Files\3ds Max 2022\MacroScripts\Macro_AdvancedLighting.mcr

Python file loading
  • All execution modes are logged, including scripts executed via -U PythonHost
  • The full script path and name are logged

2021/07/06 14:00:11 INF: [27704] [29892] Executing python file: "c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\substancein3dsmax2022\scripts\post-startup\..\python\substance\SubstanceRendererCompatibility.py".

Python imports
  • All imported Python modules are logged
  • Only the first import of a module is logged

2021/07/06 13:59:26 INF: [27704] [29892] Importing python module "sys".

Plugin package loading
  • All plugin packages loaded are logged
  • Plugin packages are logged when loaded at startup or when loaded via the Plugin Manager
  • The package metadata (name, company, version, and location) are logged

2021/07/12 09:47:34 INF: [25320] [20972] Successfully loaded plugin package - Name: Autodesk 3ds Max Scene Security Tools - Company: Autodesk, Inc. - Version: 2.0.1 - Location: c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\3dsmaxscenesecuritytools\


To view a max.log file in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Start Excel, then open the log file.

    You have to choose All Files (*.*).

    Excel opens a Text Import Wizard.

  2. At Step 1 of the wizard, choose Delimited.
  3. At Step 2 of the wizard, click the checkbox to add Space to the set of delimiters.
  4. At Step 3 of the wizard, accept the defaults.

    Excel displays the log file in spreadsheet format.

    Tip: If the date (first column) or time (second column) displays as "#######", make the column wider.