Lets you modify a preset or create a new one.
Lists all existing presets.
Opens the File Link Settings: DWG Files dialog or the File Link Settings: Revit Files (RVT or FBX) dialog, depending on the file type. In the dialog, you can change the settings for the selected preset.
Modify is available only when you have highlighted a preset in the list.
Opens the New Settings Preset dialog, creating a new preset with default settings.
New is available only when no preset is highlighted in the list. If a preset is highlighted, this button changes to Copy.
Opens the New Settings Preset dialog, creating a new preset with the same settings as the currently selected preset.
Copy is available only when a preset is highlighted in the list. If no preset is highlighted, this button changes to New.
Opens the Rename Settings Preset dialog, letting you change the name of the highlighted preset.
Rename is available only when a preset is highlighted in the list.
Deletes the selected preset.
Delete is available only when a preset is highlighted in the list.