Using Blended Box Map

Use the Blended Box Map to easily project maps with blended seams onto objects.

Note: The Blended Box map appears in the Browser only if the active renderer supports it.


To use the Blended Box map:

  1. Assign the Blended Box map as a Diffuse Color map.
  2. In the Parameters rollout, select the Number of Projections from the Maps group.
  3. Select the color/map for each side.
    Tip: Click Load Maps to load multiple maps simultaneously. If the maps are named using the side as a suffix (eg. checker_top.jpg) they will automatically be assigned accordingly.
  4. Set the Map Scale as needed.
  5. In the Blending group, set the Blend Amount and Blend Map.
  6. In the Projection group, select Lock to Frame if you are animating the object(s) with transforms.
  7. In the Project Onto field, select how you want to project onto objects.
  8. Select Cube if you want some projections to be cubic.
  9. Use the Transforms rollout to transform the projections by axes, position, rotation, and scale. You can also randomize the transforms.
  10. Use the Coordinates rollout to move the map relative to the volume of the object on which it is applied.

To create image templates:

  1. In the Render Projection Templates rollout, click Save.

    The Render Projection Templates dialog appears.

  2. Navigate to where you want to save the templates.
  3. In the Name Template field, enter a name for the templates. A suffix is automatically added specifying the side.
  4. In the Save as type field, select a file type from the list.
  5. Click Setup.

    The Image Control dialog appears.

  6. Select the image quality, file size, and smoothing.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Save.
  9. In the Resolution Maximum Value field, set the maximum resolution.
  10. Click Render.

    The images render and save to the folder specified. You can then use a 3rd party product to paint the images as needed. The images can later be used in the Blended Box map as projections.