Create Texture Dialog

This dialog lets you specify the settings for a new bitmap for painting with Viewport Canvas tools. You can an existing bitmap for overwriting or let Viewport Canvas create a new one.



Displays and sets the dimensions of the bitmap to create. Use these to set a custom size.

Preset Sizes

Click one of these buttons to set the Width and Height fields to the specified value.


Displays the current background color for the new texture. To change the color, click the swatch and use the Color Selector dialog that opens.

Save New Texture To

Enter a path and file name (with legitimate extension) for the new texture in the text field, or click the “...” button to specify the path and file name using a file dialog. If you choose an existing file, the file is overwritten.

Note: Pressing Enter after entering a file path and name in this field has no effect; click OK to continue.
Show Map in Viewport

Makes the map visible in the viewport. In most cases, leave this on so you can see what you’re painting.

Map Channel

The map channel for the new map.