View Menu (Slate Material Editor)

The View menu is for navigating the current View.

Some menu choices are also accessible from toolbar or navigation buttons, so this topic shows the button alternative along with the menu choice.

Pan Tool
Turns on the Pan tool so dragging in the current View pans the View.

The Pan tool remains active until you choose another modal navigation tool, or turn the Select tool on again.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+P

Pan to Selected
Pans the View to the currently selected node.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+P


Zoom Tool
Turns on the Zoom tool so dragging in the current View zooms the View.

The Zoom tool remains active until you choose another modal navigation tool, or turn the Select tool on again.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Z

Zoom Region Tool
Turns on the Zoom Region tool so you can drag a rectangular region in the View to zoom in on that region.

The Zoom Region tool remains active until you choose another modal navigation tool, or turn the Select tool on again.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+W

Zoom Extents
Zooms the View so all nodes in the view are visible and centered.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Z

Zoom Extents Selected
Zooms the View so all selected nodes in the view are visible and centered.

Keyboard shortcut: Z


Show Grid
Toggles display of a grid as the View background. Default=on.

Keyboard shortcut: G

Show Scrollbars
Toggles display of scrollbars at the right side and bottom of the View, as needed. Default=off.
Lay Out All
Automatically arranges the layout of all nodes in the View.

The layout can be either horizontal or vertical, depending on the current layout choice on the toolbar.

Keyboard shortcut: L

Lay Out Children
Automatically arranges the layout of the children of the currently selected node. This does not change the position of the parent node.

Keyboard shortcut: C


Open / Close Selected Nodes
Opens (expands) or closes (collapses) the selected nodes.
Auto Open Nodeslots
When on, all newly created nodes are open (expanded). When off, newly created nodes are closed (collapsed). Default=on.
Hide Unused Nodeslots
For a selected node, toggles display of the unused slots when the node is open.

Keyboard shortcut: H