Resolving Name Conflicts when Merging Files

Object Name Conflicts

When one or more incoming objects have the same name as objects in the scene, an alert gives you the following options:


Merges the incoming object using the name in the field at the right. To avoid having two objects with the same name, type a new name before proceeding.


Does not merge the incoming object.

Delete Old

Deletes the existing object before merging the incoming one.

Apply to All Duplicates

Treats all subsequent incoming objects with duplicate names the same way you specified for the current object. No further alerts will appear. This option is not available if you renamed the current object.


Cancels the merge operation.

Material Name Conflicts

When one or more materials assigned to incoming objects have the same name as materials in the scene, an alert gives you the following options:

Rename Merged Material

Defines the name for incoming material.

Use Merged Material

Assigns the characteristics of the incoming materials to the same-named scene materials.

Use Scene Material

Assigns the characteristics of the scene materials to the same-named incoming materials.

Note: Only top-level material names (not sub-materials) are checked for duplicates.
Auto Rename Merged Material

Automatically renames the incoming materials to new names. Uses Material number names based on the next available Material number.

Apply to All Duplicates

Treats all subsequent incoming Materials with duplicate names the same way you specified for the current object.

Parent Name Conflicts

When you merge an object that’s linked to a parent object in a source scene, and an object of the same name as the original parent exists in the current scene, the Merge File dialog opens, giving you the option to re-create the same hierarchy.