Plate Dialog: Shape and Material Tab

On this tab of the plate properties dialog box, you can modify the plate size and material.

Option Description
Width X The value representing the width of the plate in the X direction.
Length Y The value representing the length of the plate in the Y direction.
Convert to Polygon checkbox If checked, the selected plate automatically transforms into a polygonal plate with its particular customizable properties. Plate features are not considered.
Note: Polygonal plates cannot be converted back to rectangular plates.
Thickness The value representing the thickness of the plate. You can choose a value from the drop-down list or enter a custom value.
Material Selects the material and material type of the plate.
Coating Selects the coating type of the plate.
Length increment An increment value used when modifying the shape size by stretching its grip points in the model.
Construction class The class of the steel element to be coated, related to profile depth, material strength and toughness of material.
Detail class The class of the steel element to be coated, related to peak values of local strain requirements.
Confidence The confidence category in which the hot dip galvanized steel part is placed.