Learn how to create a new weld symbol using the Management Tools application.
In this example a Y weld type will be created. To create a new weld symbol, follow these steps:
- Open the Management Tools application and check the default where the weld symbol template DWG name is specified.
(Management Tools) Defaults category Drawing-General General Default weld template file name:
Note: In this case, the weld symbol template file is WeldTemplate.dwg. This file may differ from one installation to another (e.g. different languages).
- Open the "WeldTemplate.dwg" located in ...\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2023\[INSTALLATION LANGUAGE EXTENSION]\Shared\Support\Symbols
Important: It is strongly recommended that you modify the "WeldTemplate.dwg" in plain AutoCAD®. Make sure that Advance Steel is not loaded.
- Open the Layer Manager and create a new layer.
- First, create the weld main symbol for the new "Y" weld type. The new layer name should contain the "WM_" prefix followed by the desired name (for example, "WM_customY").
Note: Starting with Advance Steel 2016, each weld symbol has its own layer.
"WM_","WD_", "SM_","SD_","PM_","PD_" are acronyms for Weld Main, Shape Main, Preparation Main etc. They are not mandatory but are recommended for organizational purposes.
- Turn off all the other layers that are associated with weld main symbols, to avoid overlapping of symbols.
- Turn on the new layer (WM_cutomY) and set it as the current layer.
- Draw the desired symbol (be sure to draw on the correct layer).
- Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for weld double symbol of the new "Y" weld type.
- Once the drawing process is done (the weld main and weld double symbols associated with the new weld symbol are drawn), save and close the "WeldTemplate.dwg".
- Start Advance Steel and access the Management Tools application.
- In Management Tools, start the Table editor.
- Click the Open ODBC icon and select AstorBase.
- Open the WeldType table.
- Fill in the description for the new weld on the last free line:
- Key = next available number.
- MainSymbolLayer=The name for main weld symbol layer from "WeldTemplate.dwg", for example, WM_customY.
- DoubleSymbolLayer=The name for double weld symbol layer from "WeldTemplate.dwg", for example, WD_customY.
- ShapeLayerSuffix= Leave empty if the new symbol doesn't require a special shape symbol, if it does. see
How is a surface shape symbol exception for welds created in Advance Steel.
- Close the Management Tools and use
(Update defaults), located on the Home tab Settings panel.
- The new weld type is now available in the Weld dialog: