Work with variants - View Panel

Add a variant for the current view using the View Panel

  1. Tumble, track, and dolly the camera to the view you want to save.

  2. Press + .

  3. Click New in the Variants section of the viewing panel to add a variant for the current view. The variant is created and named Variant. A number is appended to each variant created after the first one.

    The Viewing Panel does not have group separation, so all new variants are added sequentially to a single list. In the Variant Lister, the new variant is added to the current group.

Edit a variant from the View Panel

  1. Press + .

  2. Click Edit in the Variants section of the view panel.

    This opens the Variant Lister.


    The Variant Lister can also be opened by choosing Windows > Variant Lister .

  3. Release + and edit the variant in the Variant Lister.

View variants from the View Panel