Zoom the view


Zoom does not apply to an orthographic view.

Zoom in or out

  1. Click in the Perspective window to make it active.
  2. Choose View > Zoom .
  3. Click a mouse button, or enter a view angle through the keyboard (as described below).

Use the mouse

Use the keyboard

You can type the angle of view from the keyboard when the system prompts:

Enter angle of view (ABS):

The values are between 0.2 and 179. Type the angle (preceded by the letter r if you want a relative angle) and press .

Magnify part of a view

  1. Click the magnify icon in the window title bar.

  2. A box in the original window shows what part of the view is being magnified. Drag the handle at the center of the box to move it.

  3. Click the magnify icon again to close the window.


    The magnified window has a lower window depth so it always stays on top of normal view windows.