Create or edit a reference vector

Create a reference vector

  1. In the Construction tool palette, click the Vector tool .

  2. Click to place the origin of the reference vector, or type the coordinates.

  3. Set the direction of the reference vector.


    If you constrained the vector origin to a curve or surface, you can click XYZ/GEOM to switch the manipulator orientation between global (XYZ) and geometry parameter space (GEOM).

  4. Click Set Vector.

Edit a reference vector

  1. In the Construction tool palette, click the Vector tool .
  2. Click the origin or end point of the vector to edit them.
  3. Click Next Vector.

Create a reference vector from a perspective view

  1. Choose Utilities > Plug-in Manager .

  2. Load the createPerspCameraVector plug-in.

  3. In the Construction tool palette, click the Create Persp Camera Vector tool.

  4. Click in the perspective view to create the vector.


    Because the vector is perpendicular to the view, you may need to tumble the view to see the vector.