

Translates files into Autodesk Alias reference (.wref) files.

You must specify at least an input file and an output file.


AlToRef <options> 
-i <file>Specify the path and name of the input file. The input file can be a wire file or a file of a different format that Alias can load.
-o <file>Specify the path and name of the output (wref) file.
-srftol <float>Specify the chordal tolerance of the surface tessellations that will be stored in the reference file. This value is specified in centimeters.Default: 0.010000 cm
-srftess <string>Specify the tessellator to use for surface tessellations. Valid values: fast and accurate Default: accurate
-crvtol <float>Specify the tolerance of curve tessellations that will be stored in the reference file (for wireframe display). This value is specified in centimeters.Default: 0.005000 cm