Animation > Edit > Duplicate Animation Channels

Duplicates animation channels to later apply to other objects in your animation.

Duplicate Channels Options


To copy channels on several CVs, pick the geometry node of a surface as the source, and the geometry node of an identical surface as the destination.


Use these sliders to specify how much to offset the animation on the destination object from the current values of the animation on the source object.


Adds values to the channels of the destination object while preserving the shape of the channel.


Multiplies values to the scale channels of the destination object. This does not necessarily preserve the shape of the scale channels.


Other parameters


You can choose to copy curves for All, Global, or Local parameters. Local parameters are applied on the target object. All animated channels from the source object are considered.

Choose Animation > Editors > Param Control to find out how to turn animation parameter controls ON or OFF.


Use these choices to select which parts of a hierarchical animation are to be copied.

None – Only the animation at the picked object is copied.

Above – Only the animation from the nodes above and including the picked nodes are copied.

Below – Only the animation from the nodes below and including the picked nodes are copied.

Both – Selects both Above and Below.

Time Offset

This slider lets you change the start time of the animation of the object being copied. Time Offset is applied to all nodes of the destination hierarchy, not just the picked destination.
