Delete > Animation > Delete Static Actions

Deletes static actions from objects, parameters, and heirarchy.

Delete Static Actions Options


All – Deletes static actions from all objects.

Active – Deletes static actions from active objects only.

Sets – Deletes static actions from sets only.


A shader, texture, light, or the background is considered active if it is picked in the Multi-lister.


There is always at least one active shader, texture, light, or background.


For information about the multi-lister, see the Rendering book.


All – Deletes static actions from All parameters.

Global – Deletes static actions only from those parameters specified in the Global Parameter Control window.

Local – Deletes static actions only from those parameters specified in the Local Parameter Control window.


To set different global or local parameters, use Animation > Editors > Param Control.


None – Deletes static actions only from the picked objects themselves.

Below – Deletes static actions from the picked objects and their descendants in the hierarchy.


For DAG nodes, CVs and cameras, the hierarchy refers to the hierarchy as represented in the SBD window. For shaders, textures, and lights, it refers to the implicit hierarchy in the Multi-lister.