Edit > Duplicate > Object

Creates one or more copies of the picked objects, with optional transformations applied to each copy. The default options create an exact copy of the original at the same location. You will have to move the copy to see the original.


Instances of the Duplicate Object tool added to custom marking menus or shelves prior to Alias 2022.2 Update, will no longer appear. You need to re-add the Duplicate Object tool to your custom marking menus and shelves.

Duplicate Objects Options


The number of copies you want to create.

If you specify multiple copies, each copy is moved, rotated, and scaled relative to the previous copy.

Translation, Rotation, Scaling

Move, rotate, and/or scale the geometry as it is copied.


Negative scaling values reflect the object across its pivot point.

Geometry Type

Choose Copy to create real geometry.

Choose Instance to create a lightweight reference to the original. When the original is change, the instance is automatically updated.

Group Duplicate

Specifies whether the copied geometry should be a child of the same parent as the original geometry from which it was copied.

Copy Animation

Copy animation applied to the object. Checking on this option gives access to the Animation Parameters section (see below).

To duplicate an animated light, use Edit > Copy in the Multi-lister.

Animation Parameters

These options are available when Copy Animation is turned on.


Use these check boxes to copy channels for All, Global, or Local parameters. To find out how to turn animation parameter controls on or off, see Animation > Editors > Param Control .

Time Offset

Change the start time of the animation of the object being copied. This setting is applied to all nodes of the chosen hierarchy, not just the picked node.

Animation notes

Control options

Auto Update

Automatically update the new object when the values in the Duplicate Object Control window change.

Return to Previous Tool

Turn this on if you want Alias to close the Duplicate Object following a duplication operation and return the focus to the tool you were previously using.