FBX export options

Logfile Output

Generates a log file containing a list of path names of exported files, a list of warning and/or error messages, and the options string.

Export Curves

Exports 3D curves.

Export Symmetry

This option applies to layers that have mirror symmetry turned on in Alias. When selected, this option exports the mirrored instance of the geometry.

Export Instances

Exports instanced geometry.

Export Bookmarks

Exports Alias bookmarks and maps them to FBX cameras.

Export Cameras

Exports Alias cameras.

Export Lights

Exports Alias lights to FBX.

Export Shaders

Exports Alias materials to FBX.

Export Subdiv

Exports subdivision objects. Subdivision creases and material assignments are supported.

Divide Periodic

Divides (splits) a periodic surface into multiple surfaces.

File Format

Choose either Binary or ASCII format.

File Version

Choose which version of the FBX file format you want to use.

Axis Conversion

Converts the exported file to either a Z-up or Y-up coordinate system.

Trim Curve Type

Exports either 2D Parameter Space Curves, 3D Model Space Curves, or Both 2D and 3D Curves.


Tessellates surfaces on export.

Tessellate Tolerance

Specifies the amount the polygonal surface can deviate from the original NURBS surface. The default value is 0.01.


Choose between two different tessellators:

Fast - Uses the same tessellator as Hardware Shade with the Fast option selected. This is the default.

Accurate - Uses the same tessellator as Hardware Shade with the Accurate option selected.