NX export options

NX Options

Output Units

Export in inches or millimeters.

File Version

Choose which version of the file format you want to use.



Converts meshes to Facet entities.


Converts Alias points/locators.


Converts NURBS geometry (curves, surfaces, shells).


Converts curves.


Translates Alias template geometry (visible but not active geometry) to an NX prt file.

Keep Group Structure

Preserves the group structure of the source WIRE file. To be grouped in the resulting NX file, a member must be part of a group in the source WIRE file.

Symmetry Layer

Translates layers with active symmetry to an NX prt file.

Empty Layers

Translates empty layers. The Alias layers map directly to NX layers.

Empty Categories

Translates empty categories to an NX prt file. Alias categories map directly to NX categories. Layers are subsets of categories.

Layers to NX Categories

Maps layers to Categories.


Logfile Output

Creates a report containing a list of path names of imported files, a list of warnings and/or error messages, a detailed entity mapping report and a table that documents the number of each type of entity processed during the import.

Simplify Primitives

Converts spline surfaces to analytic surfaces (cones, cylinders, spheres, tori). For example, a cylinder represented by a biquadratic NURBS surface in Alias will be converted to an analytic cylinder (defined by center, radius and axis) in NX.

Simplify Planes

Converts planar splines surfaces to analytic planes. For example, a plane defined using a bilinear NURBS surface in Alias will be converted into an analytic plane defined by a 3D point and normal in NX.

Split Periodic Surfaces

Divides periodic surfaces into multiple surfaces.

Color Definition File

Uses the specified .cdf (Siemens NX color definition file) file for configuring shader/material colors.