File > Export > VRML 2.0 (Windows only)

To view and interact with 3D models on the Web.

Export VRML 2.0 Options


ON – Use the VRML 2 translator’s user interface.

OFF – Use settings previously saved in this window (do not open the user interface).

Reload DSO

ON – Unload the translator after each use.

OFF – Keep the translator in memory for multiple runs.


Do not use this text box. Set options for the VRML 2 translator in the translator itself.

VRML2.0 translator additional options

This window appears when you select Go from the options window described above. Alternatively, you can access it directly by selecting File > Export > VRML2.0 .

After you have used this window to set translation options, click its Go button to start converting.

The translator creates a file (<scene>.wrl) containing VRML code describing the scene.

Push buttons


Saves the current settings in the window.


Starts the conversion.

During conversion, this button changes to Abort. Click it again to stop the conversion.


Closes the translator window.

Text section

This section appears at the top of the window. Type a comment for saving with the scene. To clear its contents, click Clear text.

Animation section

The text at the top of this section indicates the animation frames available for export. If you add frames while this window is open, this number will no longer be accurate. (Click Update to update the frame count.)

Start Frame and End Frame

Specifies the start and end frame of the animation you want to convert.

Frame step

Defines the number of animated frames between exported frames.

Frames per sec

Specifies the playback speed of the converted animation.


Lets you choose what to animate. Select one or more of transformations, vertices, shaders, and lights.

View frames

When checked, lets you view animation frames in the Alias view windows while you export them.

Hierarchy section


World – Do not export hierarchy (all vertices use world space)

Flat – One level of hierarchy: transformations use world space, vertices use local space

Full – Export the full DAG tree hierarchy: transformations and vertices use local space


All – Export everything visible in the scene

Picked – Export everything picked in the scene (items lower in the DAG tree from the DAG nodes of picked objects are not included).

Active – Export everything picked in the scene (items lower in the DAG tree from their DAG nodes of picked objects are also included).

These settings control the initial set-up of the VRML browser when it opens the .wrl file:


The initial type of navigation.


When ON, the viewer will cast light on the scene.

Travel speed

The initial speed of the viewer.

Other options


Exports textures.


Exports normals.

Color per vertex

ON – Calculate color for each vertex.

OFF – Calculate color for each polygon.

Long Lines

ON – Save the VRML text file with long lines.

OFF – Break the VRML text file into short lines (each value on a separate line).

Turn this option OFF if you want to edit the output file with a text editor that does not handle lines longer than 80 characters well (such as vi). This will increase the size of the output file.

Auto launch viewer

When ON, opens the new VRML file in Netscape Navigator after export.

To view VRML files in Netscape Navigator, you must have the Navigator VRML plug-in installed.

Sample Textures

Converts procedural textures to image files.


Imbedded – Includes texture image data in the .wrl file (not currently supported).

SGI image file – Converts texture images to SGI format and reference.

Use texture path in URL

Includes the texture path in the URL of the .wrl file.

Texture path

Saves textures to this folder.

Output section

Scene name

Base name for the scene, to which the translator will add the suffix .wrl.