STL import options

The triangle data from STL files is imported into Alias as meshes.


The STL file is a unitless format. Set the units in Preferences > Construction Options before importing the file.

Logfile Output

Creates a log file containing a list of path names of imported files, a list of warning and/or error messages, and the options string.

Convert Colors

Processes color binary STL files.

Merge Vertices

Merges vertices within the given tolerance (see below).


This option is only visible if Merge Vertices has been selected. The value is the tolerance within which vertices of the tessellated mesh are considered to be coincident and will be merged. Increase this value to broaden the distance within which vertices will be considered coincident.

The slider range is 0.0001 to 10. The default value is 0.0001.

Color Schema

Uses the BGR (VisCam) or RGB (Magics) color schema.

Input Units

Select the units to use.