VR > View in Alias VR

Opens the Alias VR environment where you can explore your models in virtual reality. The View in Alias VR Options window are only available if your VR device is connected.


Oculus Rift S and Oculus Rift headsets only support Windows 10 systems.

View in Alias VR Options

Render Settings

Select Low, Medium, or High according to your system capability. Higher settings result in better anti-aliasing but impact graphics performance.

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

Turns on Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO). SSAO provides an efficient, realtime approximation of the baked ambient occlusion (AO). Although SSAO will never be as good as precomputed AO, or even baked lighting and shadows, SSAO is good for quick previews.

Radius - The radius of the virtual hemisphere outside which occlusion is ignored.

Intensity - The darkness of the occlusion. The higher the value, the darker the shadows.

Blur - The amount of blur to apply to the occlusion.

VR System

VR Device - Select the VR device that you are using, or use the Autodetect VR System option to automatically detect your VR device.


Specify the environment to use and the ground plane settings. Select from the following:

Use Environment - Uses the Alias environment to define the VR environment.

Show Background - Toggles the visibility of the environment background on and off in VR.

Show Ground Shadows - Toggles the visibility of ground shadows on and off in VR.

Ground Plane Height - Adjusts the ground plane alignment in VR.


Specify the settings for how the surfaces are tessellated. Select from the following:

Tessellator - Fast tessellates more quickly and less accurately. Accurate tessellates more accurately and more slowly.

Tolerance - Controls how accurately surfaces are tessellated.

VRED Material Matching

Lets you specify a material asset library that includes a schema for matching VRED material assets to Alias shaders. For example, you can specify the Automotive Asset library (located in the \Users\<user>\Documents\Autodesk\Automotive\VRED\Assets directory).

For more information about using VRED materials in Alias, see Export Alias data to VRED.


Specifies the method fo matching VRED and Alias material assets.

None - Converts all Alias-based material to VRED materials. Any VRED Material Tags used to substitute an Alias shader are respected in View in VR.

Alias Shader Name - Matches materials based on the material name.

Standard Matching - Matches material based on the material ID.