Surfaces > Surface from Mesh

Quickly create a surface from a mesh.

Surface From Mesh Options

Creation Mode

The type of surface to create.

U Degree/V Degree

The degree of the created surface in U and V directions.


Smooths the surface according the Smooth Factor.

Smooth Factor

Controls the effect of each smoothing step. The smaller the smoothing factor, the smaller the movements of the CVs.

Selection Mode

Defines how you select triangles on the mesh:

Auto Update

Automatically updates the surface when the values in the Surface From Mesh Control window change.

Create History

Saves the history of the quick surface so you can modify the surface later.

Create Metadata

Specifies whether or not the Surface from Mesh tool creates history metadata.Note: The Create Metadata option is available only with Autodesk Alias 2019.2 or later.

Deviation Check

Displays the deviation between the created surface and the selected region of the mesh.

Deviation Scale

The scale of the deviation combs.

Deviation Samples

The number of quills on the deviation comb.

Invert U/V

Flips the U/V direction of the deviation combs.