To Display Image Properties

Use this procedure to specify display settings for any preview images you want to include in your evaluation file.

  1. Open the Scheduling tool palette, and select the Space Evaluation tool.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click Home tabInquiry panelSpace Evaluation.
  2. Click Evaluation Options.
  3. Click the Image Display tab.

    Image display for space evaluation document

  4. Select the drawing for which you want to set image properties.
    Note: If you want to create include several open drawings in the evaluation, you need to set the image properties for each open drawing separately.
  5. Choose the desired color depth for the images in the evaluation file. Not that a high resolution enhances the quality of the images but also enlarges the file size.
  6. For each object category (Spaces, Spaces Decomposed, and Zones) select the desired display configuration, and specify the desired width and height for the image size:
    Note: In the list, you will see only those display configurations in which display representations for spaces, zones, or decomposed spaces are turned on.
  7. Click OK.