About Working With Multiple Content Browser Windows

You can open more than one copy of the Content Browser and you can move or copy items by dragging them between the windows. You can copy tool palettes, tool packages, and tools; you cannot copy tool catalogs between Content Browser windows. Only one catalog library can be open at any time.

When you drag tool catalog items between Content Browser windows, the following rules apply:

If you have the same tool catalog open in multiple windows, and you add an item to the catalog, the tool catalog display is updated in all open Content Browser windows.

Opening Additional Content Browser Windows

You can open a new instance of the Content Browser by pressing Ctrl+N in the Content Browser. You can also open a specific tool catalog, tool palette, or tool package in a new Content Browser window.

Closing Content Browser Windows

Closing one Content Browser window has no effect on other Content Browser windows. You can close all open Content Browser windows at once by right-clicking in the title bar of any window and selecting Close All Windows.