To Create a List Definition for a Manual Property Definition

Use this procedure to create a list definition with a list of items that can be used for manual properties.

Note: List definitions can also be created for space and zone names.
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.

    The Style Manager is displayed with the current drawing expanded in the tree view.

  2. Expand Multi-Purpose Objects, right-click List Definitions, and click New.
  3. Create a list definition:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a definition with default properties right-click List Definitions, and click New.
    create a definition from an existing definition right-click the list definition you want to copy, and click Copy. Right-click, and click Paste.
  4. Enter a name for the new list definition, and press Enter.
  5. On the General tab, enter a description for the list definition under Description.
  6. Click the Applies To tab, and select Manual Property Definition.

    You can clear the list definition from applying to a manual property definition only if it is not in use.

  7. Click the Items tab.
  8. Select Allow individual property values to vary from this list if you want to allow values other than those specified here to be displayed on the Properties palette.
  9. Click Add, and enter a value for Name.
  10. Enter a value for Description.
  11. Continue to add values to this list definition.
  12. Click OK.