To Create XLT Templates

Use this procedure to create the XSLT template file needed for exporting a space evaluation to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

You can use the following predefined field settings to format your XLT templates:
Field name Description
AREA_EVALUATION_BEGIN The row in which the space evaluation begins
AREA_COLUMN_IMAGE The column in which the exported space images are placed
AREA_COLUMN_LABEL The column in which the space labels and descriptions are placed
AREA_COLUMN_EXPRESSION The column in which the space decomposition expressions and modifier formulas are placed
AREA_COLUMN_RESULT The column in which all space results are placed
AREA_COLUMN_EXACT_VALUE The column in which the unrounded space results are placed
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Select the table cell in which you want to place a special type of information, such as pictures or results.
  3. Click the name box in the upper-left corner of the Excel sheet, and enter the desired field definition.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all field settings you want to place.
  5. Define additional settings for your template. Settings in an XLT file include
    • Header and footer information
    • Company logos
    • Company fonts
    • Special cell formatting (borders, colors)
  6. Save the resulting file with the extension XLT (Excel Template) to the default directory you are using for templates.

    The template is then available for selection next time you create a space evaluation.