Wall justification lines and cleanup circles are features of wall objects that are used to determine the cleanup conditions. Cleanup circles display for walls only in the Diagnostic display representation, or when you turn on the display of wall justification lines.
The Diagnostic display representation displays the wall segment’s justification line, cleanup circle radius, and direction glyph to help you troubleshoot wall cleanup issues. On the status bar, click Click to change display configuration Diagnostic.
A cleanup circle is located at the start point and the endpoint of each wall segment. The center point of each cleanup circle is the start point or endpoint of the wall justification line.
The cleanup circle radius determines the size of the cleanup circle. You can specify a cleanup circle radius in the wall tools you use to add walls to a drawing. If needed, you can override the default cleanup circle radius at each end of a wall segment. This allows you to adjust the cleanup circle radius for particular wall styles and for individual situations.
You can also turn on the display of justification lines without switching to the Diagnostic display representation. Select a wall segment and click Wall panel Cleanup tab
Justification Display.
Justification lines and cleanup circles display on all walls in the drawing. In addition, when you select a wall, Cleanup Radius grips are displayed at each cleanup circle. Move the grip to increase or decrease the cleanup circle radius.
Cleaning Up Wall Intersections with Dynamic Cleanup Radius
You can preview the wall intersection cleanup condition between 2 or more unconnected wall segments by adjusting the radius of the cleanup circle that is closest to the intended intersection.
A preview of the cleaned up intersection displays in cyan inside of the cleanup circle.
Walls in the same cleanup group clean up when one of the following conditions applies:
Wall cleanup with justification line intersecting cleanup circle
Wall cleanup with intersecting justification lines
When walls intersect and clean up properly, a new wall joint is created at the intersection of the wall justification lines. The exact location of the wall joint depends on the location of the new wall segment endpoint. In many cases, the wall joint location does not coincide with the existing wall segment center line. The location of the wall joint is based on a weighted average distance between wall segment endpoints, as well as the thickness of the wall segments.
Wall justification lines and wall joint at wall intersections