To Trim a Wall Endcap Component

Use this procedure to modify a wall endcap by trimming a component. A trim boundary may be a line, arc, circle, polyline, or wall component edge.

  1. Select the wall segment with the wall endcap to modify.
  2. Click Wall tabEndcap panelEndcap Edit In Place.
  3. Select the component that you want to trim.

    You may trim multiple components at a time to a trim boundary. Press Esc to clear component selection.

  4. Click Edit In Place tabModify panelTrim.
  5. Either specify points to delineate a trim boundary, or press Enter to select a trim boundary.
  6. Specify the side to trim.
  7. Save or discard your changes:
    If you want to... Then...
    Save any changes you made during the edit-in-place session as a new style click Edit In Place tabEdits panelSave As.
    Discard any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelCancel.
    Save any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelFinish.

    In the following example, components are trimmed to a boundary line.