To Purge the Version History From a Project Standards Drawing

You can remove the version history from all standard styles and display settings in a project standards drawing with one command. Purging the version history will remove all versions except the current one from the standard styles and display settings. You can do that to avoid cluttering your styles and display settings.

When you purge the version history, no version GUID except for the current one remains. That means that the synchronization can no longer distinguish between an older version of a standard style and a non standard version of a style. Each style in a project drawing that does not have the current GUID of the corresponding standard style, will be labeled a “non-standard,” or newer version.

  1. Verify that the project with which the project standards drawing is associated is the current project.
  2. Open the Project Standards drawing from which you want to purge the version history.
    Note: Project standards drawings do not appear on the Project Navigator. You need to open them by clicking Open Drawing.
  3. On the command line, enter aecclearversionhistory.

    The version history is removed from all standard styles and display settings in the drawing.