To Change External Source Properties of a Schedule

Use this procedure to create a schedule table that contains property data from an external drawing such as a project drawing.

Schedule tables can contain information from external references and block references if it exists in the same drawing as the schedule table. Optionally, schedule tables can specify an external drawing. The information is scheduled as if it were an external reference in the same drawing as the table. The advantage is that the graphics of the external drawing do not need to be generated in order to fill out the data in the table.

  1. Double-click the schedule table you want to change.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Advanced, and expand External Source.
  3. Specify the external drawing you want to schedule:
    If you want to… Then…
    schedule an external drawing select Yes for Schedule external drawing. The External drawing property is displayed.
    not schedule an external drawing select No for Schedule external drawing. The External drawing property is hidden.
    specify the external drawing to schedule click the value for External drawing, select a drawing, or click Browse, and in the Select a drawing file dialog box, browse to select a drawing, and click OK.

    The External drawing property is displayed with a drop-down list containing all drawings in the View directory of the current project. Each drawing corresponds to a view defined in the project. If no project is active, the list contains all drawings in the last directory browsed.

    Tip: If you want to schedule the entire project, you can set up one drawing as a container file, and xref in all project drawings. Then select the name of this drawing for the external drawing source.