To Change the Selection Criteria for a Schedule

Use this procedure to change how objects are added to the schedule table.

  1. Double-click the schedule table you want to change.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic, and expand Selection.
  3. Change how objects are added to the schedule table:
    If you want to… Then…
    automatically add new objects to the schedule table as they are added to the drawing select Yes for Add new objects automatically.
    manually add new objects to the schedule table select No for Add new objects automatically.
    include objects from xref drawings in the schedule table select Yes for Scan xrefs.
    exclude objects from xref drawings in the schedule table select No for Scan xrefs.
    include objects from block references in the schedule table select Yes for Scan block references.
    exclude objects from block references in the schedule table select No for Scan block references.
    apply a layer filter to the table specify a layer wild card.
    Note: When adding a schedule table that must scan xrefs or blocks, use a layer filter that includes both the name of the layer that contains the xref or block, and the name of the layer of the object inside the xref or block. You can separate multiple layer wild cards with a comma.