To Change the Location of a Space

Use this procedure to relocate a space by changing the coordinate values of its insertion point. The space also has an orientation with respect to the world coordinate system (WCS) or the current user coordinate system (UCS). For example, if the top and bottom of the space are parallel to the XY plane, its normal is parallel to the Z axis. You can change the orientation of the space by aligning its normal with another axis. You can also rotate the space on its plane by changing the rotation angle.

Note: This procedure is valid only for non-associative spaces. The location of an associative space is determined by its boundary objects.
  1. Double-click the space you want to change.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic, and expand Location.
  3. Click Additional information.
  4. On the Location worksheet, specify the location of the space:
    If you want to… Then…
    relocate the space enter new coordinate values for Insertion Point.
    locate the space on the XY plane make the normal of the space parallel to the Z axis: for Normal, enter 1 for Z, and enter 0 for X and Y.
    locate the space on the YZ plane make the normal of the space parallel to the X axis: for Normal, enter 1 for X and enter 0 for Y and Z.
    locate the space on the XZ plane make the normal of the space parallel to the Y axis: for Normal, enter 1 for Y, and enter 0 for X and Z.
    change the rotation of the space enter a new value for Rotation Angle.
  5. Click OK.