To Insert a Space With Style-Defined Target Dimensions

Use this procedure to insert a non-associative space based on target dimensions set in the space style.

  1. Open the tool palette that contains the Space tool you want to use, and select it.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click Home tabBuild panelSpace drop-downSpace.
  2. On the Properties palette, for Create type, select Insert.
    Note: For spaces with the Create type of Insert, Rectangle, or Polygon, the Associative setting is always No.
  3. Expand Component Dimensions.
  4. Specify the geometry type of the new space:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a 2D space select 2D from the list.
    create an extruded 3D space select Extrusion from the list.
  5. Expand Actual Dimensions.
  6. To specify the geometry of the space within the boundaries of the target dimensions on screen, select Yes for Specify on screen.

    To specify the geometry of the space by entering values in the Properties palette, select No for Specify on Screen.

  7. Specify which dimension of the space is to be constrained during insertion:
    If you want to… Then…
    fix the space area value during insertion select Area for Constrain. This lets you change the length and width of the space, but only within the range of the target dimensions. For example, if you constrain the area to 9m 2 , you can still choose to make both length and width 3m, or to make the length 4m, and the width 2.25 meters, as both combinations result in an area of 9 m 2 .
    fix the space length during insertion select Length for Constrain. If you constrain the length of a space, then any change to the space area will only change the width dimension of the space, and vice versa.
    fix the space width during insertion select Width for Constrain. If you constrain the width of a space, then any change to the space area will only change the length dimension of the space, and vice versa.
    do not fix a specific dimension during insertion select *NONE* for Constrain. In this case no individual dimension is constrained, and you can specify any geometry as long as it is within the target dimensions.
  8. If you have selected to not specify the space on screen, enter values for the non-constrained dimensions for Base Area, Length, and Width.
  9. Insert spaces in the drawing:
    If… Then…
    you have selected to specify the space on screen, click in the drawing to define the insertion point of the space. Then drag and click to define the space dimension, and specify a rotation.
    you have entered values for the space geometry in the Properties palette click in the drawing to define the insertion point of the space, and then specify a rotation.
  10. Continue adding spaces, and press Enter.