To Apply a Wall Opening Endcap Style to a Wall Style

After you create a wall opening endcap style, you need to assign it to the wall style where you want to use it when adding the following objects to the wall: doors, windows, openings, and door and window assemblies.

When necessary, you can override the wall opening endcap style assigned in a wall style on an individual wall.

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  2. Expand Architectural Objects.
  3. Expand Wall Styles, and select the wall style to which you want to apply the opening endcap style to.
  4. Click the Endcaps/Opening Endcaps tab.
  5. For Opening Endcaps, select an opening endcap style to use for each of the opening objects that can interact with the wall.
  6. You can also edit an existing opening endcap style here, or create a new one from wall endcap styles, if necessary.
  7. Click OK.