To Add Table Breaks to a Schedule

Use this procedure to split long tables into a series of shorter pages.

  1. Double-click the schedule table you want to change.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Advanced, and expand Table Breaks.
  3. Specify how you want to display the pages of tables:
    If you want to… Then…
    display pages horizontally to the right of one another select Right for Direction.
    display pages vertically below one another select Down for Direction.
    display the title on each page select Yes for Repeat title.
    display the column headers on each page select Yes for Repeat Headers.
    hide the column headers on each page select No for Repeat Headers.
    control the height of each page individually select Yes for Manual heights.
    have all pages approximately the same height select No for Manual heights.
    specify the maximum height of each page when Manual heights is No enter a value for Maximum height, or select and drag the Maximum Page Height grip at the bottom of the table.
    specify the distance between each page enter a value for Spacing.

    You can control the height of all pages by setting one value if Manual heights is set to No. If the table contains more than one object, select and drag the Maximum Page Height grip at the bottom of the table.

    You can control the height of each page individually if Manual heights is set to Yes. If the table contains more than one object, it will have one Insert Page grip at the bottom of the last page and one Page Height grip at the bottom of all other pages. Select the Insert Page grip, and drag it up to insert a new page. Select a Page Height grip, and drag it up or down to set the height of that page. Continuing to drag a Page Height grip down reduces the height of the last page, and could possibly remove it.