To Create a Ceiling Grid With User-Specified Settings

Use this procedure to add a ceiling grid with settings that you specify on the Properties palette. Spaces and closed polylines can be used as boundaries for ceiling grids.

  1. Open the tool palette that you want to use, and select a ceiling grid tool.

    Alternatively, you can click Home tabBuild panelCeiling Grid.

  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic, and expand General.
  3. Select a boundary:
    If you want to… Then…
    place a ceiling grid within a space click Select object for Boundary, and select a space in the drawing.
    place a ceiling grid within a closed polyline click Select object for Boundary, and select a closed polyline in the drawing.
  4. Expand Dimensions, and select No for Specify on screen.
  5. Specify the settings:
    If you want to… Then…
    define the width of the grid enter a value for X - Width.
    define the depth of the grid enter a value for Y - Depth.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the X direction expand X Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay size along the X direction expand X Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay size.
    specify the offset distance from the start point along the X direction of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for Start offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    specify the offset distance from the endpoint along the X direction of the grid expand X Axis, and enter a value for End offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    lay out the grid with evenly spaced bays along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Space evenly for Layout type, and enter a value for Number of bays.
    lay out the grid with a fixed bay size along the Y direction expand Y Axis, select Repeat for Layout type, and enter a value for Bay size.
    specify the offset distance from the start point along the Y direction of the grid expand Y Axis, and enter a value for Start offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    specify the offset distance from the endpoint along the Y direction of the grid expand Y Axis, and enter a value for End offset. The offset distance may be used to reduce the effective grid size.
    Tip: After specifying the desired settings, you can move or hide the Properties palette to expose more of the drawing area.
  6. In the drawing area, specify the insertion point of the ceiling grid.
  7. Specify the rotation angle of the grid, and press Enter.
  8. Continue adding ceiling grids, and press Enter.